These instructions will guide you through accessing your item sales report using the DPos Application. This report provides a detailed summary of items sold, including totals in dollar value and subcategories.
- Sign In:
Access the DPos Application by signing in with your credentials.
- Navigate to Reports:
From the main menu, navigate to the “Reports” section.
- Select Item Summary:
In the Reports section, select “Item Summary.”
- Adjust Filters:
Adjust the filters according to your needs:
Date Range: Specify the period for which you want the report.
Transaction Type: Choose the type of transactions to include.
Category Type: Select the categories of items you want to view.
- Preview the Report:
Click “Preview” to view the report.
- View the Report:
A screen will pop up displaying the items sold, the totals in dollar value, and the subcategories.
Note: If you see a decimal value in the report, it represents a Half and Half sale (e.g., Large Meat Lovers 2.5).
Save/Print Report:
If you wish to obtain a physical copy of this report, Select the Print option from the top Right.
(A Save-to-File option is also available from the previous screen that can be used to store a soft copy of the report on the local computer)
By following these steps, you will be able to utilise accessing your item sales report Deliverit Studio efficiently. If you require further assistance, please contact our application support team.